Top Military Leader Caught in Political Scandal

Navy secretary caught in political scandal

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro flagrantly violated federal law by endorsing Biden and trashing Trump.

At a Glance

  • Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro violated the Hatch Act by endorsing Biden and criticizing Trump while on duty
  • Del Toro’s comments were made during a speech in London and subsequent BBC interview
  • The U.S. Office of Special Counsel determined Del Toro’s actions “crossed a legal line”
  • Del Toro’s lawyer argued the comments were spontaneous and not a violation, but the OSC rejected this defense

Biden Appointee Caught Red-Handed in Political Misconduct

In a shocking display of disregard for federal law, Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro has been caught red-handed violating the Hatch Act by openly endorsing President Biden and criticizing former President Trump while on official duty. This blatant abuse of power by a high-ranking Biden appointee raises serious questions about the integrity of our military leadership and the administration’s commitment to maintaining an apolitical armed forces.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) didn’t mince words in its damning report, stating that Del Toro “crossed a legal line” with his partisan remarks. The Navy Secretary’s comments, made during a speech at the Royal United Services Institute in London and a subsequent BBC interview on January 25, 2024, were far from subtle hints of political preference.

Del Toro’s Brazen Endorsement of Biden

Del Toro’s statements were a clear violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from engaging in political activity while acting in an official capacity. The Navy Secretary didn’t just toe the line; he leaped over it with abandon.

“The United States and the world need the mature leadership of President Biden,” Del Toro declared, leaving no doubt about his political allegiance. He didn’t stop there, going on to criticize Trump without naming him directly: “We cannot afford to have a president who aligns himself with autocratic dictators and rulers whose interpretation of democratic principles is suspicious (at) best.”

Feeble Attempts at Deflection

In a pathetic attempt to wriggle out of responsibility, Del Toro’s lawyer, Michael Bromwich, argued that the remarks were “spontaneous and unpremeditated” and therefore not a violation of the Hatch Act. This weak defense was swiftly shot down by Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger, who found Del Toro’s “unwillingness to acknowledge a mistake is striking” and troubling.

Even more concerning is Del Toro’s apparent lack of understanding of his own role. As the head of the U.S. Department of the Navy, he had direct access to ethics officials and had been advised against exactly this type of conduct. His disregard for these warnings shows a disturbing level of arrogance and disrespect for the law.

The Broader Implications

This incident is not just about one man’s misstep. It raises serious questions about the Biden administration’s commitment to keeping the military apolitical. While Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has emphasized the importance of an apolitical military, actions speak louder than words.

The fact that a high-ranking appointee felt comfortable enough to make such blatantly partisan statements suggests a culture of political bias that may run deep within the current administration.

The timing of this revelation is particularly troubling, coming on the heels of a letter from two Democratic Congress members urging the Pentagon to keep the military out of politics during the presidential election. It seems their own party’s appointees didn’t get the memo.

As we approach the 2024 election, it’s crucial that our military leadership remains above the political fray. The American people deserve a military focused on national security, not partisan politics. Del Toro’s actions have undermined public trust and confidence in the Navy’s leadership, and by extension, the entire Biden administration’s ability to maintain an apolitical military.

The question now is: Will there be any real consequences for this clear violation of federal law, or will it be swept under the rug like so many other scandals in this administration? The integrity of our military and the rule of law hang in the balance.