(RightWing.org) – The Democratic Party appears to have descended into chaos after President Joe Biden’s embarrassing performance during his June debate with Donald Trump. His declining polling figures could spell a down-ballot disaster for House Democrats and their ambition to retake control of the chamber after the November general elections. However, the latest survey numbers look rather bleak for those lefty liberals.
American voters will cast their ballots for representatives for 435 of the nation’s congressional districts. House Republicans are campaigning at warp speed as the November 5 election draws closer.
Republicans currently hold 220 seats, two more than the required 218 to maintain control of Congress’s lower legislative body. Democrats need to pick up five more seats to retake the chamber.
However, a quick review of the latest Decision Desk forecast and prediction model posted by the organization’s Election Center partner, The Hill, paints a dismal picture for Democrats.
As of July 11, Decision Desk gives House Republicans a 62% chance of keeping control of the House. That figure has remained pretty flat the last couple of months, fluctuating from a June 5 low of 61% to a high of 67% from July 5 to 8.
Inversely, Democrats have trailed their conservative counterparts by an average of nearly 20 points during that time frame. They reached a high of 39% on June 5 and currently sit at 38%.
Decision Desk’s figures look even better for Republicans hoping to retake the Senate. Its latest model gives the GOP a 79% chance of winning the chamber. Republicans currently hold 49 seats, and Democrats only have 47. However, two independent senators caucus with liberals, and one counts as a Democrat regarding committee assignments.
If Trump defeats Biden, Republicans only need to pick up one seat to secure control of the Senate. Decision Desk currently gives him a 56% chance of winning the presidency for a second term.
According to the latest projections from Decision Desk, one of the nation’s most reputable organizations for data analysis, race calls, and real-time election results, Republicans have a real opportunity to control the presidency and both congressional chambers. Several news organizations besides The Hill such as The Economist, News Nation, and Business Insider, also rely on Decision Desk figures and analysis.
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