Senators United in Bipartisan Measure to Ban Petroleum Sales
( - The American people should expect their elected representatives to act for the best of their country rather than what has been the...
More Than 300 Americans Are Dying Per Day From Drug Overdoses
( - Drugs continue to be a real problem in the US. Over the past two decades, the number of overdose deaths has increased...
California Colleges See Rise in Abortions
( - When the Supreme Court reversed the 1973 Roe v Wade decision in June 2022, many states started to re-evaluate their abortion laws....
SCOTUS Considers 1A Rights of the NRA
( - Cartoonist Louis Dalrumple, paraphrasing Shakespeare, once noted, “Politics make strange bedfellows,” remarking on how those with wildly differing views can sometimes find...
SCOTUS Issues Ruling in No Fly List Case
( - The No Fly List is a list of people that the federal government forbids from boarding an airplane in the US. The...
SCOTUS Refuses to Hear “Insurrection” Case
( - A New Mexico county commissioner lost his job in September 2022, after a district court barred him from holding state office. The...
Brits Scramble After Putin Allegedly Hacks Plane
( - It's been over two years since Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his military flooding across the border in what many see as...
China Starts New Drills as Tensions With India Rise
( - China and India have been engaging in a dispute over who owns a 2,100-mile border in the Himalayas, known as the Line...
Jordan Issues Subpoena for ICE Data
( - House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) has been working hard to get to the bottom of the US immigration issues. His...
Biden Admin Threatens Yet Another Sector With Net-Zero
( - One of the cornerstones of President Joe Biden's agenda is reducing the carbon footprint. He wants to do this by achieving net-zero...