Ford Loses Billions After Big EV Push
( - Over the last few years, electric vehicles (EVs) have been the Next Big Thing. Now it looks as if the wheels might...
Tesla’s Profits Halve as Sales Slump
( - Billionaire Elon Musk has experienced several financial problems over the last few years. For instance, the latest available figures indicate that the...
FDA Warns Bird Flu Virus Found in Pasteurized Milk
( - On April 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a press release announcing that a Texas patient tested positive...
Kroger and Albertsons to Sell Hundreds of Stores
( - A big shake-up is on the way in the grocery store market. Kroger and Albertsons are planning a merger. As part of...
Famous Actor Defends Biden’s Mental Acuity
( - President Joe Biden faces mounting issues surrounding the public perception of his mental abilities, leading to concern among Democrats about his prospects...
Police Find Additional Clues Into Deadly Carjacking
( - On April 11, an individual recorded a male subject approaching a white Dodge Durango with a firearm, speaking to the driver, and...
Chicago’s Mayor Brandon Johnson Stares in the Face of Recall
( - Chicagoans thought they were taking a positive step forward when they voted out Lori Lightfoot as mayor in an early April 2023...
Baltimore Archbishop Plans to Ban Latin Mass
( - A battle between traditionalists and modernizers in the Catholic church is being fought out in Baltimore. The local archbishop plans to eliminate...
California Prepares to Create Genealogy Office
( - California’s state legislature just approved a bill to create a genealogy office. The new agency will identify people eligible for “reparations” for...
Subway Slasher Arrested After Skipping Court and Stabbing Child
( - Pretrial detention serves several purposes. For instance, the courts use it to ensure a defendant's appearance at trial. Perhaps most importantly, confinement...