CA Deploys Major Parental Rights Ban

( – The tide is slowly turning against radical gender ideology, but California has decided to double down. The state’s ultra-liberal governor has just signed a law that strips parents of a vital right. From now on, school districts won’t have to inform parents that their child thinks it’s changed gender.

Recently, several California school districts have brought in policies requiring teachers to inform parents if their child decides to change their “gender identity” — a controversial concept that isn’t backed up by reproductive biology. However, liberals call this “forced outing” and have been pushing for it to be banned. Now California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) has given them what they wanted.

On July 15, Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1955, which was introduced by Assemblymember Chris Ward (D-Los Angeles). Ward is a member of the state assembly’s LGBTQ caucus and has been an outspoken critic of parents’ rights to know their child is suffering from gender dysphoria, which is a recognized mental disorder. His bill makes it illegal for schools to inform parents their child has changed gender identity, bans school districts from bringing in pro-disclosure policies and prohibits punishing employees who conceal information from parents.

A spokesman for Newsom claimed the law would “keep children safe” and also protect “the critical role of parents.” However, medical research shows that people suffering from gender dysphoria are much more likely to attempt suicide. The law prevents parents finding out their child is at risk, and also drives a wedge between parents and children by giving schools the power to hide things parents have a right to know.

Conservatives are alarmed at the new law. Advocate Jonathan Zachreson said keeping parents informed was “critical” to a child’s wellbeing, as well as maintaining trust between parents and teachers. However, the law is supported by teaching unions as well as liberal politicians.

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