Trump Files Stolen – Look Who Got Them!


ranian hackers infiltrate Trump campaign, target Biden with stolen data in brazen election interference attempt.

At a Glance

  • Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign materials to Biden campaign associates
  • FBI, ODNI, and CISA confirm Iranian involvement in cyber attacks
  • Trump calls for grand jury investigation, alleging Harris campaign benefited
  • No evidence of Biden campaign responding to or using stolen materials
  • Ongoing concerns about foreign interference in 2024 U.S. presidential election

Iranian Cyber Assault on American Democracy

In a shocking revelation that underscores the ongoing threat to our electoral integrity, federal authorities have confirmed that Iranian hackers have launched a coordinated cyber attack on both the Trump and Biden campaigns. This brazen attempt at election interference serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities in our democratic process and the persistent efforts of foreign actors to manipulate American politics.

The FBI, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have jointly condemned this malicious activity, stating that Iranian actors sent “unsolicited emails” containing stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign to individuals associated with the Biden campaign. This coordinated assault on our electoral system is a clear attempt to sow discord and undermine confidence in the democratic process.

Trump Campaign Calls for Action

In response to this alarming development, the Trump campaign has rightfully demanded accountability. Campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt stated, “Iranians wanted to help Vice President Kamala Harris, who replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee, because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror.” This assertion highlights the critical need for a thorough investigation into potential collusion or benefit derived from these stolen materials.

“Kamala and Biden must come clean on whether they used the hacked material given to them by the Iranians to hurt President Trump. What did they know and when did they know it?” Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary, said in a statement. –

President Trump’s call for a grand jury investigation is not only justified but necessary to ensure the integrity of our electoral process. The American people deserve to know the full extent of this foreign interference and any potential exploitation by domestic political actors.

Biden Campaign’s Suspicious Silence

While federal authorities claim there is “currently no information” indicating that recipients associated with President Biden’s campaign responded to the emails, the lack of transparency is concerning. The Harris campaign’s statement that they were “unaware of any direct material sent to them” raises questions about their level of cooperation with law enforcement and their commitment to electoral integrity.

“We’re not aware of any material being sent directly to the campaign; a few individuals were targeted on their personal emails with what looked like a spam or phishing attempt.”

The vague nature of this response does little to assuage concerns about potential impropriety. It is imperative that both the Biden and Harris campaigns fully disclose any and all interactions with these compromised materials to ensure the American people can trust in the integrity of their leadership.

Ongoing Threat to American Democracy

This incident is not isolated but part of a broader pattern of foreign interference in our elections. The joint statement from federal agencies warns of growing efforts to meddle in U.S. elections, particularly from Russia, Iran, and China. These nations are actively working to “exacerbate divisions in U.S. society for their own benefit,” viewing our election periods as moments of vulnerability.

“This malicious cyber activity is the latest example of Iran’s multi-pronged approach … to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process,” the agencies said.

As conservatives, we must remain vigilant against these attacks on our democracy. We must demand full transparency from all campaigns, rigorous investigations into foreign interference, and swift action to secure our electoral systems. The integrity of our elections is paramount, and we cannot allow foreign actors or domestic opportunists to undermine the will of the American people.