Multiple States – Election Workers Sent Mysterious Powder

( – Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley (1955-76, not to be confused with Richard M., his son, who held the office, 1989-2011) told his supporters some variation of “vote early, vote often.” It had even been alleged that he managed to siphon off just enough votes in the 1960 presidential election to give President John F. Kennedy a 6,000 vote margin of victory over President Richard Nixon, putting JFK over the top in the electoral college and into the White House.

That shows that attempts at election interference are not something that started with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s fraudulent “Steele Dossier” and it seems intimidation and threats are ramping up before the 2024 presidential election. Election workers in several states found themselves the target of threatening letters, some of which could have had fatal effects.

White Powder

As county agencies across the United States were tallying the ballots cast in the November 7 general election, roughly a dozen letters turned up with warnings. The first one was relatively benign being only words on paper containing statements written in all caps like:

  • End elections now
  • Stop giving power to the right
  • Be aware your ballot drops are very susceptible to noxious chemicals… they are unsafe… just saying

Whoever sent the notes claims that there is no need for any future elections because they “are in charge now.” While they are unsigned, there are symbols attached and at least one of them appears to be one commonly used by Antifa.

The letters contained a white powdery substance within their folds that, in several cases, tested positive for fentanyl. In the case of one that was intercepted before it was delivered in Fulton County, Georgia, a field test showed it was an opiate of some kind that is undergoing further testing.

Besides Georgia, numerous counties in Washington State, California, Arizona, Oregon, and Nevada have reported receiving the warnings, several of them have tested positive for the extremely powerful synthetic opioid that is “100 times more potent” than morphine. According to a “fact sheet” produced by Oregon State University, a dose of 0.25 mg (“equivalent to a single grain of sand”) can cause a person to face “a high risk for overdose.”

Regardless of the political party one endorses, it is undeniable that the 2020 presidential election and its aftermath were tumultuous. The men and women responsible for counting and certifying the votes was already feeling stressed, to the point that more than one-third of Oregon’s “county clerks have retired or resigned.” This trend has been mirrored in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, amongst other places.

The United States Senate Rules and Administration Committee held a hearing regarding the “Ongoing Threats to Election Administration,” where several experts and local/county administrators testified. Elizabeth “Liz” Howard from the Brennan Center for Justice, opined that not only will the influx of inexperienced officials make their offices less prepared to deal with conspiracy theories (last paragraph on page 8/15), but that bad actors may actually seek to fill vacancies in order “to abuse their position in pursuit of furthering [them].” (In the last paragraph on page 9/15).

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